Muscles in the heart have the power to expel the blood 10 meters in the air?
Elephants are the only animals that can not jump.
The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue.
Pigs orgasm lasts 30 minutes!
Statistically, people are more afraid of spiders than death.
All polar bears are left-handed
Crocodiles can not stick out their tongue
Butterfly taste with its feet
Cockroach can live 9 days without its head.
Humans and dolphins are the only ones who can have sex for pleasure.
Each king on a card is the real king in history:
Spades: King David.
Spades: King David.
Clubs: Alexander the Great.
Heart: Charlemagne
Diamonds: Julius Caesar.
It is impossible to sneeze with eyes open.
Mosquito has teeth
Thomas Edison was afraid of the dark.
The word “cemetery” comes from Greece as “koimetirion” which means dormitory
When the English arrived in Australia, they noticed a strange animal that jumped extremely high and far, and they asked the Aboriginal using body language and signs (because they did not know their language) “what kind of animals and what it’s called.” Aboriginal response was”Ru”Kan GHU, and the English were to adopt the word “kangaroo” (kangaroo).
What they actually said the Aboriginal: “I do not understand” Kan GHU =”Ru”.
It is impossible to kiss your own elbow.
80% of people who read this will try to kiss their elbow.
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